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Thursday, December 2, 2010

'BLOggINg aGain'


Baru balik dari kafe, makan pulak lah nasi lemak.. konon nak kurangkan swelling of muscles sekarang dah swell semula. Tapi yang paling penting ialah apabila saya buka jer blog ni, baru perasan. Aah la, dah lama tak post something. Kene post ni(cehh, macam lah compulsary sangat,kan??) 

ehm, merepek lagi sekali kat sini. Tapi suka hati la kan coz "this is mine". hehe. Kepada yang mengetahui the true meaning, sorry sorry key. ^^
Hari ini dalam sejarah sebab first time buat lab physics. Excited yang melampau pun ada...nak tunjuk sikit betapa excitednya...

seha,fatin,aynna~photography session in lab~

A proton and a neutron walk into a cafe. They order a milo each and just as they are about to leave, the proton pays for his drink. The cashier lets the neutron leave without paying. The proton asks why, and the cashier says "Hes a neutron - no charge."  


sorry, because lately i'm quite oppressed with my physics but it's okay...STOP BANGAU'ing'.

penghargaan :
madam rohaida
lab physics D
semua rakan yang terlibat~~


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